Night Of TV Entertainment (5th June 2013)

 Updated with English subbed clip (16th June 2013)
Sang Hyun with Lee Bo Young, Lee Jong Suk and Lee Da Hee on the Night of TV Entertainment show broadcast on SBS @ 20:55 yesterday evening just before the first episode of Hear Your Voice.  Fortunately we found out just in time to catch it.  
In the segment called Fastball Interview, each of them had to answer questions from the others.
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To Lee Bo Young’s question about Sang Hyun’s blind dates she had heard about, he admitted that he had been on 12 of them last year.
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When she asked him if he’s met anyone twice, he said no. To her query whether he had set his sights too high, he said he wants to meet someone who can make his heart beat faster.
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On the next question of which actress he likes most, he mentioned Choi Ji Woo and said she’s his ideal, but was at a loss of words to Jong Suk’s question whether he had made a dash to see Ji Woo.
His reaction below.

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I hope for Sang Hyun’s sake that he will reach out to what is truly precious to him, and also be able to open his heart to others.  May he find his happiness.

Related article (thanks to JV for the link)
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31 Responses to Night Of TV Entertainment (5th June 2013)

  1. Cindy says:


  2. Glo says:

    In the last pic he looks so shy! aww…. darn I wish to know his answer for Jong Suk’s question! SH is such a honest person, haha! I love it!

    • Glo says:

      Now I watched the video clip. The feeling I got from video is more vivid and powerful then the words/article. SH has very honest, sincere character which is rare in showbiz (and that makes us love him more). I do believe his answer to JS’s question is yes but he didn’t dare to say HAHA! Otherwise he could just replied NO right away, right? LOL Come on! Oppa, make more moves for God sake! XD

      • juleecwk says:

        Ever hopeful Glo 😀
        I was LOL at his response to that question. It reminded me of that occasion when he was singing for JW during the drama fan meet when he stopped suddenly and was so shy.

      • Glo says:

        Yeah I too recalled that CL fanmeeting in JP that SH was awkwardly shy in front of JW. His heart must had been beating so fast for her! LOL

  3. Lily says:

    What I understand so far about the Korean society is that before marriage she/he doesn’t have much freedom to try, to experiment the kind of relationships that she/he likes on idea I am young, free and I must smoke them all, especially if she/he is a celebrity.
    To have a long time boy/girlfriend but no marriage is acceptable instead, one-night stand are faulted. The k entertainment industry is fierce. The stars careers are so fragile, depending largely on their image and public credibility. No human mistakes are admitted. Therefore, the celebrities are lonely people, prisoners of their calling, no many opportunities to have love relationships with outside profession people, so chances to find love is low, that’s way so many of them are singles.
    I hope that YSH is lucky enough to find the lady of his life (I like CJW too) and that he’ll have a long and successful career.

    Incidentally, the same Korean society is much more permissive, how interesting, with the sins of the married people like love affairs, love children, even parallel family… (quite common as we seen in kdramas).

    • juleecwk says:

      I suppose it’s tough for the artistes as they’re so much in the public eye and probably the reason they put off marriage could be the effect on their popularity.

      I do believe SH is serious about wanting to settle down because of his age but I can’t help having this nagging feeling that his heart is taken. When he mentions that he’s waiting for someone who can make his heart beat faster, I wished that he would give himself a chance to feel that way. Sometimes if the image of one’s ideal is already tied to someone, would it be possible to find it in another? I hope I’m wrong.

      • Lily says:

        2006- Korean variety show – The Valentine’s Day, SH: “She had made my heart beat faster. So I’m grateful to her”

        2013- he wanted to meet someone who can make his heart beat faster.
        It’s hard to believe that, emotionally, SH hasn’t evolved in all these years and still tortures himself.
        I think that he uses this “leit-motif” as an answer for the media, because it has an emotional impact to the public and generates sympathy.

      • juleecwk says:

        I can’t help wondering what is it in a woman that would make SH’s heart beat faster? But whatever it is, I feel he should give himself a chance to get to know the person better and who knows ….. she might turn out to be the right one.

  4. Apple says:

    This is my opinion. When he said he was looking for a woman who can make his heart pitter patter, i believe he meant someone whom he has a special connection with on both physical and emotional levels aka have a chemistry with. I am sure the blind date ladies were young and gorgeous , so hard to believe that none of them intrigued him enough for a second date. I can also safely assume none of them made his heart pitter patter. When you are at a mature age like him, having a special connection with the woman is more important than beauty/age. The special connection is truly hard to come by. Which is why he still mentioned CJW 2 yrs later because we can see they got along well. Though she may not be young or pretty but to him, they had good chemistry.

    I watched the Q&A clip, he was too transparent. LOL He looked so nervous and started to breathe hard. You can see his shoulders moving up and down Lol. Maybe he did make a move on her. If he hasnt made a real move, what is he waiting for? its been 2 yrs already! But if he did and she said no, he should move on and give enough time to get to know the other potential ladies, invest in her, then one day his heart will go pitter patter again for a special lady. Hope for the best in finding the lucky lady.

    • juleecwk says:

      I hope Jong Suk’s friends whom SH met were not too young for him. Those blind dates he mentioned might not be with these ladies. I think it’s quite common in Korea that people look for prospective partners through blind dates, as has been often shown in the dramas.

      It is obvious that he likes JW very much and he lights up around her. Many of us have wondered if he’s ever confessed his feelings to her. If he hasn’t yet, it’s time he did. And surely, there is more than one who can be the right one.

      • Lily says:

        He wanted to meet a lady who can make his heart beat faster.
        OK, but in what way or style: bungee jumping or climbing mountain?
        Both these ways make a heart beat faster.
        I don’t know why but it seems that he still prefers bungee jumping style even at this age.

  5. shandy says:

    I am equally enticed seeing Yoon,s stammer kinda panic
    like having ants in his pants. CJW seems as the only name
    of the ideal gal he’s ever mentined since CL drama, wow !

    That sheepish grin is lovely, oh luv it !.
    Shall we spare his blushes? haha !

  6. Zsuzsanna says:

    I saw Sang-Hyeon in love when he was singing the song More than words! in that silver-black jacket on the stage. But I don’t know in which year it happened. When he was singing that song, I felt that he is completely fell in love with someone. All his moving, his face, his singing could express his inner feelings. That is the real love! Since then I cannot feel that his heart is beating fast, except when he was singing the Romance in Maihama, Tokyo, this year! I haven’t seen the concert, but I saw a photo and that picture told everything! He is sad because of someone, who is faraway from him. I think he loves someone, but he has to hide the person, or he is unable to confess or he is waiting for the other’s first step … I don’t know! I think he is in a difficult situation, as everybody wants to make him marry! 😀
    Otherwise, he was really embarrassed during this Q&A. I think if he loves CJW so much, he would have had time for telling this to her. She is nice and clever, and she has very good shape.
    Regarding blind dates, I think during this short time there’s no chance for falling in love with someone, as perhaps, your pheromones would “say”: there’s a good chemistry between us, but it’s not enough to love, you have to know her much better, what are her feelings, thoughts and what kind of personality she has! So, on a blind date he would never get these informations about the others, so, after the 100th dates he would still be alone! If I would like to joke, I would say he is dating with the wrong persons… 😀
    I don’t understand him, as there are so many beautiful ladies around him, and not just actresses, and I’m sure many of them are clever, furthermore good-hearted, why he is unable to find the right one!? Why not? There’s only one answer to this question, and I’m sorry to tell you, but the solution is: His heart is already engaged and beating faster when he hears her name or he thinks about her or he is looking at her eyes… The question when he would admit it! Sooner or later he would do it, it doesn’t matter what the fans or his relatives would say!

    • juleecwk says:

      Hi Zsuz,
      I couldn’t sense SH’s feelings the way you felt when he was singing More Than Words. But I do believe his heart is with somebody. It is possible to meet someone on a blind date with whom one can click and wants to get to know better. One date is of course too brief to know someone well.

      Though SH is willing to share funny things about himself, there are things which are personal to him. Perhaps he will share it one day when he’s ready. We can only wish that he will find his happiness.

      • Zsuzsanna says:

        Julee, only one thing is strange for me: the 12 blind dates! Why? I can imagine the situation! The girl is sitting at the table and waiting for his would-be husband, she is dreaming about the meeting and is trying to find out how he might look like and she is planning the future?! And then Oska, Dong-Chan or Tae-Bong… appears! I wonder what she was thinking at that moment!? 😀 Perhaps, she thought that she was dreaming or she had got a role in a drama as a cameo, just her mother didn’t mention it? Or she should have gone to an eye specialist as her eyesight had deteriorated recently! In her place I would have started to find the candy camera, but surely, I wouldn’t have believed it! And I would have been frozen at that moment with “eyes wide opened”! I think they did the same, so, noone could have given herself, not even making SH’s heart beating fast! 😀 Although, I’m a little bit different type, so, my reactions are unpredictable, and perhaps, I would have wanted to get some evidence if he is real or not! 😀 So, I think every girl was totally frozen and was very shy! So, there was no chance for a big love at first sight! Though, SH might want it as I remember to see a photo where he was standing at a statue which was about the love at first sight!^^ 😀

      • juleecwk says:

        Hi Zsuz,
        If I’m not mistaken, I think the men and women are shown pictures of the other by the match-maker/parents before they meet. So those ladies he met should have known he’s SH and an actor and SH too would have seen their photos. I’m imagining him looking at their photos and thinking ‘OK’ haha. I wonder though how the Koreans feel about their actors and dating them. And yes, I would have like to see the look on the ladies faces when they meet SH 😀

      • Zsuzsanna says:

        Then I really don’t understand why it is a blind date if both of them know who is the other! I cannot imagine that SH accepted to go to such a strange event. He could see the photos of the ladies, he liked their appearance and he went to meet with them. He introduced himself, but I don’t know why as everybody knew who he was!? After then he told that he would like to marry and she was one of the possible candidates. OK, I understand from the side of the girls as he is good-looking, lovely, he has good humor, furthermore he is famous, he has a good profession and income with that he could found a family. But what about SH? I wonder what was the criterias of SH, if she had to be nice, slim with chubby cheeks, ( 😀 ) or she had to be from a rich family or she had to have good job?! Or what else? In place of SH I would have never risked that any of them would go to the media to talk about it after a failed dating or he had contract of mutism with the girls??? And I wonder if any of them asked SH why he wants to get a wife on this way when he is meeting with the loveliest, most intelligent, most beautiful and most clever women every day if he wants! Strange! If it’s true, I’m really sorry for Sang-Hyeon! Perhaps, he is famous, he can get everything what he wants, except the most important thing!? I’m much luckier as I can love anybody without hiding!

      • juleecwk says:

        I think blind dates are very common in Korea and probably set up by someone known to both families and who would try to find a good match for both. I just did a check on google and found out that they have a few types of blind dates in Korea. Probably for SH, it should be the practical kind with intention of marriage.

        Check out this clip for a lesson on blind dates in Korea.

      • zsuzsanna says:

        Well, Julee, it’s a very interesting video! I’ve never thought that there are so many type of blind dates. I really wonder which of them was SH’s dates!? It was interesting to watch it, but I think I won’t need for such a lesson in the future! 😀 Although, it would be interesting to participate in a blind date, just to experience what kind of feeling you have when you meet with a completely stranger in order to get a husband! 😀 I would have watched one blind date of SH with pleasure if there would have been any candy camera at the spot! 😀 I would be really curious how he behaves in this situation, if he is funny or if he is embarrassed?! I think someone should shoot a series about the blind dates, I think it would be a very interesting and popular reality show! Blind dates with famous people! 😀

      • juleecwk says:

        I was thinking perhaps SH’s blind dates are those set up by his mum since the intention is on marriage. From what we’ve seen of such blind dates in kdramas, the parents would get someone to find a good match for the son/daughter and arrange for them to meet over coffee. This first date is to find out about the other and if they click, I suppose they will arrange to meet again.

        SH would probably tell the lady about his love of hiking and if he likes her, he would invite her to join him 😀 I remember he said that if he were to find the right woman, he would date for 3 months and get married. He might be referring to such blind dates, and seems he was really serious about this since he has gone on 12 of them last year. Unfortunately, none of them has moved his heart.

        I wonder about Jong Suk’s friend that SH had been seeing at the club. SH mentioned that he met her during the movie premier to which JS had invited her. He said he had met her again so perhaps he did like her.

      • Zsuzsanna says:

        If he would meet her or he met her again, then his heart might have been beating faster! 😀 Perhaps, now he would date with the same person 12 times! It’s much better than meeting with 12 persons only once! 😀

  7. shandy says:

    When Yoon’s asked about PHS, Yoon reacted in no time:
    ” It’s my my choice, she’s the one my mum likes……..”
    Yoon provided reassurance for quite a number of times, why
    is he in such a fuss to clear the clouds ? The main point of
    clearance in my guess is to reach the other side where his
    luv actually lies.

    Zsus is rite, his soft spot is fully occupied with someone……..
    I feel like as if both of them are passing luv messages to one
    another throu the air……. with sign language ?
    Sooner or later, time will blow off the lid !

    • juleecwk says:

      During TDC on Happy Together 3, SH had said that his mum likes PHS and so does he, and had asked her to marry him. I didn’t think he was serious at that time. Now on this recent show, he said that though his mum likes her, it doesn’t mean that he likes her too. So it’s a bit conflicting … which was why LJS went ‘huh?’ when Sh said that 🙂

  8. Apple says:

    This may not mean anything, and I don’t want to start a baseless rumor, but I find it intriguing, that just last April in Osaka, he tweeted in his blog that he took a pic of Ji Woo in Japan and he planned to show it to her in person. At the time I thought how bizarre that he not only randomly mentioned an actress in his blog, but also indirectly admitted that he planned to see her. I mean what was his intention of sharing the irrelevant news to his fans? perhaps a hidden message? And now he reacted so nervously to Jong Suk’s question of whether he had made a move on JW. Is there a link between the two events or is it just purely coincidence? it is everybody’s guess. If he has a girlfriend already, why went out on 12 blind dates? lol.

    • juleecwk says:

      Apple & Henrietta, I think it’s an awkward question for SH ….. whether to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ 😀

      I didn’t really put too much on his mention of showing JW that CF photo of her that he took in Japan.
      They could be just good friends who will meet again on certain occasions.
      But all of you ladies are so sweet, and ever hopeful 😀

      We can only wish that he will find his special lady soon, if he hasn’t yet.
      If he has and when he does …. we will know in time to come.

  9. Henrietta says:

    Yes, Apple, I agree with you, he mentioned in his blog openly that he will show her the picture later implies that he may/would meet her. He react so nervously may be because he had already dated JW but could not say it openly. Hope he could marry soon.

  10. Lyn says:

    Hi, this is “Lyn” , remember me from CL period? off topic here: I happened to watch YSH in KBS Win-Win show the other day, he never failed to make me laugh till my stomach ached. At the same time I developed more respect for him for his peaceful led life and humility in spite of his growing popularity. The show revealed his true nature and positive character.
    His interaction with his best friend (forgot her name) reminded me of the one he had with CJW, which was easy and comfortable.

    Regarding his co-stars grilling him with questions about ladies, I had great laughs too. What 12 blind dates in a year? I guess desperate times require desperate measures. haha.
    2 years fast forward since CL, he is still very shy and nervous whenever JW’s name is mentioned. Aigoo, so cute ah. His answer/explanation whether he had made a dash to see JW was definitely edited out, before it awkwardly skipped to Park Ha Sun part. Some relationships are better left as friends than lovers, perhaps this is the case with JW & SH. I don’t know if they had contacted each other since CL fan meet or not. The good ol’ times.

    Life is so busy that I haven’t had a time to watch any K-dramas since CL. But, Hear Your Voice is definitely in my drama list to watch. Congrats on achieving such high ratings.

    Best regards to you Julee,

    • juleecwk says:

      Hi Lyn, it’s been awhile. I think that question about CJW must have been awkward one for SH but I can’t help wondering whether he did confess to her. I think you’re right about them better being friends than lovers.

      Blind dates or ‘sogaeting’ are very common in Korea and we’ve seen it in many K-dramas. It’s unfortunate that SH has yet to meet someone he likes. But having heard him say so many times over the past year that he wants to settle down, marriage does seem to be a major objective for him these days. Hope he will meet her soon, his ideal woman who loves the outdoors as much as he does and shares his passion for the mountains.

      • Lyn says:

        SH was asked whether he had made a move on Ha Ji Won before. He answered with such ease “I give up too easily” laughingly.
        Q: How about Park Ha Sun? SH: “my mom the one who liked her”
        Q: Did you make a dash to see JW? SH: **silent** + awkward laugh + deleted part = eh?
        It’s clear to me that the answer to the question is yes, otherwise it would be an easy “No” or “I give up too easily” answer. He couldn’t lie haha. Even if he didn’t confess, JW could probably sense it. However, they might have decided to become friends. As far as I can tell they are still in good terms otherwise he would have not mentioned JW’ name as his ideal anymore. I feel that once you are in SH’s circle of friends, he will always remember your goodness and treasure the friendships. what are the chances that JW and SH will meet up again at Ji Sung & Lee Bo Young’s wedding? Though he isn’t dating anyone (if he didn’t lie about this), I hope he doesn’t just settle for any woman for the sake of marriage or his parents’ wish.

      • juleecwk says:

        I’m actually a bit concerned about SH’s ‘urgency’ to get married, partly because of his dad’s health and especially when he mentions getting married within 2-3 months of meeting someone. If he really were to do so even if she might share his interests, how well would he really know her? What about love? Though there are marriages such as these that work and turn out to be a happy union, there are others that might not. It’s a huge gamble and I’m worried for his sake.

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